Monday, May 30, 2011

Fill Er’ Up! Water Bottle Filling Stations Arrive in the Park

For years the park has been encouraging hikers to stay well hydrated. This resulted in a spike in bottled water usage. Discarded plastic water bottles quickly became a sizable portion of the park’s solid waste burden (30% by some estimates). To remedy this challenge, the National Park Service has placed nine water bottle filling stations throughout the park in high traffic areas along the rim. Like all the water that flows from taps in the park, that which flows from the filling station spigots is pumped from Roaring Springs near the canyon’s floor. So be sure to top off at one of these stations during your next visit. The water tastes great, and you’ll be doing the planet a favor. Follow this link for more information

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the National Park Service did was definitely good news! It does not only help people to rehydrate themselves when they get thirsty, it also decreases solid wastes as plastic bottles will no longer be discarded if they can refill it with water. It can benefit both the Park caretaker as well as the people who visit there.

Rob Feckler