Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Rare June Storm a Hair-Raising Event

Arizona has enjoyed unseasonably mild temperatures during the first two weeks of June, and Grand Canyon is no exception. A rare June thunderstorm this past weekend did its part to cool things down. I took the opportunity to look for rainbows at my favorite overlook, Yaki Point. While shielding my camera from a light rain, the metal stem of my umbrella began to spark and crackle due to the electricity in the air, and my hair stood on end. I made a beeline to my vehicle just before the lightning began in earnest, and found out later that two visitors had been struck a few miles away. My tempting of the gods did pay off with some great pictures, but I wouldn't advise such risky behavior as a rule. Its much safer to buy my prints and let me continue to take all the chances!
See you on the trail.

1 comment:

gcmaven said...

You're very lucky! One of the people struck has died (

The canyon is a spectacular place to witness weather, but you're right, you have to be safe! Can't wait to see the pics!